After a two-year hiatus, Lupin Part 3 marks the return of an iconic series and character: Assane, a contemporary gentleman thief, orchestrating heists across Paris. The long wait between parts and a saturated entertainment market made it imperative to re-ignite viewer engagement and introduce the franchise to untapped audiences.
1- Reignite & Broaden Lupin Enthusiasm. Inspire renewed excitement among existing fans while extending appeal to wider audiences.
2- Enrich Lupin's Universe. Enhance the show’s iconic appeal through distinctive assets.
3- Position Lupin as the year's unmatched blockbuster. Maintain a commitment to innovative and spellbinding narratives that captivate both media and viewers.
We aimed to transform renowned luxury symbols into witty clues, conveying Lupin's essence of artful deception. At the crossroads of fiction and reality, we take away rather than add, inviting the viewer into an intimate dance of deduction and allure.
The campaign brilliantly capitalizes on outdoor advertising's vast reach and public engagement potential, using Paris' iconic luxury billboards to blend the myth of Lupin with high fashion. By launching during Paris Fashion Week, it gained unprecedented visibility, connecting the historic allure of Lupin with contemporary culture in a public, impactful manner, thus making Lupin's return unmissable.