
Understanding AI Brand Awareness: a vital metric for progressive marketers

Jack Smyth


How is your brand perceived by Large Language Models and why it matters

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, the role of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, Meta’s Llama 2, and Microsoft’s Copilot becomes increasingly significant. In a recent article with Adweek, Jack Smyth, Chief Solutions Officer at Jellyfish, discusses how these AI-powered chat programs are not only answering billions of search queries each day but also shaping perceptions of brands. 

The Importance of AI Brand Awareness

Forward-thinking marketers are recognizing the importance of tracking a new metric: AI Brand Awareness. Just as understanding market share is crucial, knowing how LLMs perceive your brand, compare it to competitors, and recommend products to customers is becoming essential.

Strategies for optimizing AI Brand Awareness

  1. Review Creative Assets: every piece of content controlled by your brand outside of LLM training sets is an opportunity to advocate for your products. Analyze how LLMs perceive your content and optimize accordingly.
  2. Regular Interaction: engage with LLMs regularly to understand what they have learned about your brand. Compare perceptions across different models to refine your messaging.
  3. Optimize and Adapt: LLMs are constantly learning, so brands must continuously optimize their content to maintain a favorable AI Brand Awareness. Regularly review outputs and adjust strategies accordingly.

In an AI-driven world, understanding and influencing how LLMs perceive your brand is vital for success. By implementing strategies to optimize AI Brand Awareness, marketers can stay ahead in an evolving digital landscape.

As the influence of LLMs continues to grow, embracing these models and adapting marketing strategies accordingly will be essential for maintaining relevance and engaging with consumers effectively.