
Get The Competitive Edge By Using Share Of Model™ Platform And Broad Match

Jack Smyth

Chief Solutions Officer

The game has changed. Marketers now have a new, powerful audience to consider: Large Language Models (LLMs). We’re talking about Google’s Gemini, OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Meta’s Llama, and the like. These LLMs are increasingly becoming the bridge between brands and customers, helping millions of people find, compare, and ultimately choose the brands they engage with every day.

So, how do you ensure these LLMs recommend your brand? The answer is to optimize your paid search strategy with Broad Match and AI insights from Jellyfish’s Share of Model™ platform.

Many of our clients are already seeing higher conversions and lower CPAs thanks to this game-changing solution, so we’ve put together a whitepaper to show you exactly how you can do the same.

Download the whitepaper for a more in-depth look


Why Broad Match?

Broad Match gives your ads the flexibility to appear for a wide range of search terms, expanding your reach to more potential customers. Jellyfish clients using Broad Match have seen significant growth in impressions and conversions. It’s a powerful tool for capturing traffic that more restrictive strategies often miss. With Broad Match, you’re opening the door to new customers across a variety of search terms.

Share of Model™ platform

Jellyfish’s Share of Model™ platform is built on Google Cloud and powered by Gemini, giving marketers the insights they need to understand how LLMs perceive and recommend their brands. This platform analyzes how LLMs respond to brand, category, and product-related queries, providing valuable data on both human and AI audiences. By using Share of Model™, brands can optimize their keyword strategies and website content to align with how LLMs interpret and suggest their products.

Futureproof your strategy

As LLMs continue to shape how customers find brands, it’s essential to stay ahead. By integrating AI-driven insights and Broad Match into your strategy, you’re not just reacting to changes—you’re setting yourself up for long-term success.