Environmental Policy

Jellyfish Policy - Environmental and Sustainable Practices 


Jellyfish is committed to good environmental and sustainable practices. As part of this commitment, we have developed this policy to guide our actions and decisions regarding resource use and consumption.


This policy is intended to outline our commitments to reducing environmental impact and continuous improvement in environmental performance and the promotion of environmentally responsible practices throughout the business.


This policy applies to all activities, products, and services provided by Jellyfish and is applicable to all employees, contractors, and stakeholders associated with the business.


Achieving good environmental and sustainable consumption practices requires collaboration and collective actions across all levels of the business, as well as engagement with external stakeholders. Jellyfish recognises that it is a shared responsibility that requires commitment, accountability, and continuous improvement from everyone involved.

  1. The Board of Directors are responsible for setting the overall sustainability strategy and goals at Jellyfish. They must provide the necessary resources, support, and direction to integrate good environmental and sustainable consumption practices into the business’s operations and culture.
  2. VP Sustainability and the sustainability team work closely with capabilities at Jellyfish to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure alignment with sustainability goals. They promote employee engagement in environmental and sustainable consumption practices.
  3. The Supplier Management Team plays a crucial role in promoting environmental awareness and sustainable consumption. They work with the Supplier Management Team to ensure environmental and sustainability standards compliance and promote responsible sourcing practices.
  4. Every employee at Jellyfish has a role in promoting good environmental and sustainable consumption practices. By adopting eco-friendly behaviours, such as reducing energy and water consumption, minimising waste generation, and making sustainable purchasing choices, employees contribute to the overall sustainability efforts at Jellyfish.
  5. Office Managers are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of facilities and ensuring that environmental and sustainable consumption practices are implemented. This includes energy management, waste reduction, water conservation, and promoting eco-friendly practices within the workplace.
  6. The Learning and Development team fosters a culture of environmental awareness and sustainability at Jellyfish. and develops training programs, initiatives, and communication campaigns to raise awareness and encourage behaviour change among employees.
  7. External stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, and business partners, also play a role in good environmental and sustainable consumption practices. Jellyfish ensures that these stakeholders promote sustainable practices throughout the value chain and encourages them to support environmentally responsible initiatives.


Jellyfish is committed to

  1. Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards and monitor changes in environmental legislation to ensure ongoing compliance.
  2. Minimising its environmental impact by reducing resource consumption, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Upholding ethical labour practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, and supporting the well-being of its employees, clients, and communities. This includes initiatives such as fair wages, employee health and safety programs, and community engagement activities.
  4. Achieving long-term economic sustainability by adopting practices that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and create value for stakeholders
  5. Transparency and accountability in its sustainability efforts by disclosing relevant information, setting measurable goals, and regularly reporting on progress. This is intended to foster trust with stakeholders and enable informed decision-making.
  6. Collaboration and partnerships in advancing sustainability goals. It seeks to engage stakeholders to leverage collective expertise and resources for positive impact.
  7. Promoting efficient resource use, recycling, and minimising waste generation by considering the environmental impact of the business’s resource consumption in decision-making.
  8. Setting and regularly reviewing environmental objectives and targets to drive continuous improvement.

Jellyfish acknowledges that sustainability is a journey and commits to ongoing learning, innovation, and improvement. It seeks to identify new opportunities, overcome challenges, and adapt to changing environmental, social, and economic conditions.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Jellyfish promotes the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle in all aspects of its operations and aims to minimise waste generation by reducing unnecessary consumption, reusing materials and products whenever possible, and ensuring proper recycling practices are followed.

Energy Efficiency

Jellyfish monitors energy consumption and promotes energy efficiency throughout the business. This includes optimising energy use to reduce our carbon footprint.

Sustainable Procurement

Jellyfish promotes the procurement of goods and services that are environmentally friendly, ethically sourced, and socially responsible. It also seeks to partner with suppliers who share our commitment to good environmental and sustainability practices and adhere to high environmental and ethical standards.

Environmental Protection

Jellyfish aims to reduce the impact its operations have on the environment by communicating and implementing this policy at all levels within the business, maintaining appropriate emergency and environmental incident management programs and communicating openly about incidents that affect the environment. 

Waste Reduction

Jellyfish aims to minimise waste generation and maximise waste diversion through comprehensive waste reduction and recycling programs. Employees are expected to participate in waste reduction initiatives, such as composting, source separation, and proper disposal of hazardous materials.

Transportation and Travel

Jellyfish focuses on sustainable transportation options and expects employees to minimise their carbon footprint when commuting and travelling for business purposes. This includes promoting the use of remote working, public transport, carpooling, and cycling whenever feasible.

Product Lifecycle

Jellyfish considers the entire lifecycle of products and materials in consumption decisions, from sourcing and production to use and disposal. Products with minimal environmental impact, durable design, and recyclability are prioritised to extend the lifespan of products through repair, refurbishment, and responsible end-of-life management.

Employee Engagement

Jellyfish actively engages and empowers employees to participate in environmental and sustainable consumption practices and initiatives. Training and resources to raise awareness about sustainability issues are provided, and employees are encouraged to adopt eco-friendly behaviours at work and in their personal lives.

Continuous Improvement

Jellyfish is committed to continuously improving environmental and sustainable consumption practices through regularly monitoring, measuring, and evaluating environmental performance using the ISO 14001:2015 framework. Targets have been set, progress is tracked, and opportunities for innovation and optimisation to further reduce the business's ecological footprint are regularly reviewed.

Compliance and Accountability

Jellyfish complies with all relevant environmental laws and regulations related to the environment and sustainable consumption. We hold ourselves accountable for meeting the objectives and commitments outlined in this policy and strive for transparency and integrity in our sustainability efforts.

Policy Statement

Jellyfish are committed to environmental stewardship and sustainable practices as integral components of our operations. We recognise our responsibility to minimise our environmental impact, conserve natural resources, and contribute positively to the communities in which we operate.”