Balancing high performance and hard work with humaneness is essential if you want to ensure your organisation - and employees - are at peak performance. This new style of management is called managing without power.
This course focuses on helping managers and leaders unlearn the unconscious use of power and nurture high-performing, inclusive teams through human leadership. You’ll learn how to move away from promoting ‘survival of the nicest’ and ‘survival of the toughest’ cultures and consciously create an environment in which you’re actively investing in your teams.
By the end of the session, you’ll have learned how to implement techniques that will foster productivity, reduce employee burnout, and increase talent attraction and retention. Above all, you’ll leave knowing what it takes to build a truly diverse and inclusive culture built on trust and intrinsic motivation.
*This Managing Without Power course is available as a private session, and will be tailored to your needs. The most common set-ups are:
- For management teams or groups of leaders: one or two days face-to-face with a focus on building organisations that balance a high bar for performance with humane leadership. This option is very suitable for management off-sites.
- For groups of managers: two or three days face-to-face, focusing on the five brilliant basics of management and building high-performing teams.
- For individual managers or leaders: a custom journey of five half-days, one-to-one online, with practical assignments in between each session so that you can apply the principles of Managing Without Power within your own team or organisation.
Course overview
Who should attend:
This course is ideal for organisations of any size; whether you’re working in a start-up, scale-up or at a larger organisation looking to regain your original culture that may have been lost during a growth period, you’ll benefit from learning what you can do to boost your performance the human way.
What you'll learn:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Apply the ten crucial behaviours of great managers in order to build trusted relationships and motivate your teams
- Manage effectively in a remote environment
- Utilise feedback to optimise performance and have meaningful conversations with employees about growth
- Set healthy team norms and create clarity with OKRs
- Create psychological safety, and balance this with accountability
- Make diversity, equality and inclusion a reality
- Create space for innovation in your organisation
Course agenda
- The 10 behaviours of great managers and how to apply them
- Applying the five brilliant basics to build trusted relationships and intrinsically motivated teams
- How to manage effectively in a remote environment
- Optimising your performance through manager feedback
- How to run personal and meaningful conversations about career and personal growth
- Creating direction and clarity of expectations with OKRs
- Making meetings effective
- Setting and cultivating healthy team norms
- Tracking progress, course correcting and providing timely feedback
- Running fair and predictable performance evaluations
- Creating accountability the human way
- Dealing with low performers effectively and respectfully
- What makes a high-performance team?
- How to combine high performance and humaneness
- Creating psychological safety through your actions
- Balancing safety and accountability
- Recognising moments of truth to re-inforce team culture through your actions
- How to make sure all types of people can succeed
- How to make diversity, equality and inclusion a reality, not just words
- Keeping your vision actionable
- Five enablers to retain or regain a start-up spirit
- How to create an organisation that can reinvent itself over and over again
- Using data-based experiments to optimise your people strategy
- Creating space to innovate in a growing organisation