Audiences in GMP Products

Learn how to build, share and measure the effectiveness of audiences using Analytics 360 within the Google Marketing Platform stack.

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1 day course
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Virtual, Private
Virtual Classroom
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A private training session for your team. Groups can be of any size, at a location of your choice including our training centres.

We'll help your team be able to plan and run a robust Audience strategy for remarketing across the Google Marketing Platform stack, using Analytics data as a key data source on this one day course.

You will be able to identify audiences to build, the planning process that is used to define these, and how to use the advanced analytics features of 360 to ensure your business is continually improving their marketing targeting.

Our Audiences in Google Marketing Platform course is offered as private training session and can be delivered on-site at your office, a location of your choice or via Virtual Classroom.


Course overview

Who should attend:

This course is for analysts or marketers that have experience of working with Google Analytics already and are responsible for building and utilising audiences from Google Analytics across the GMP stack. It’s ideal if you remarket using Google Ads, SA360, or DV360 or sell your Analytics 360 audiences through Google Ad Manager (DFP).

Walk away with the ability to:
  • Describe what data can and cannot be used to build audiences (imported, demographic etc)
  • Create audiences from Users who drop out of different conversion funnel stages or where segments overlap
  • Create a best-practice framework that identifies the behaviours & attributes that feed segments and audiences within each stage of the user journey
  • Describe the various advertising strategies that audiences can be used for
  • Report on audience performance
Course agenda
Digital Analytics Fundamentals
  • A brief recap on data collection in Google Analytics and key web analytics principles
  • How to define scope within reports & advanced segmentation
Audiences Framework
  • See, Think, Do, Care Framework in relation to Audiences
  • Creating and Audience Framework tied to your business
Product Integrations
  • Linking products in the Google Marketing Platform stack
  • Data available post-linking
  • Building and sharing Audiences
  • Advertising tactics utilising audiences & case studies
Reporting and Advanced Audiences
  • Audience reporting in Google Analytics
  • Custom Funnels / Advanced Analysis / Enhanced Ecommerce data in Audiences
  • Offline Data in Audiences
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